CDB goes far beyond passively monitoring aircraft vibrations. CDB discerns the root cause of a particular platform's vibration related issues and provides a dynamic solution to significantly reduce high frequency resonant vibrations. This process uses CDB computer vibration analysis tools to gather requisite vibration information from instrumented drive train components. The CDB computer analyzes this data and creates “aircraft vibration profile" to determine the specific solution for the individual aircraft.

In order to create the positive dramatic effect of CDB, the technology provides different solutions to every aircraft vibration profile. These solutions will nearly eliminate the harmonic resonant vibration in the drive train.
Essentially, CDB creates a custom solution for each individual aircraft according to its own unique vibration profile. CDB takes an active approach to nearly eliminate the vibration as it defines a vibration profile and uses the CDB proprietary technique to fix it!

Shaked Technologies team has extensive experience in vibration analysis using exclusive unique approach and a complex cutting edge algorithms. We invite you to use our help in your Aviation vibrations related challenges. Click here to send us your request