Benefits associated with CDB are numerous and proven. Through the immediate reduction of vibration and harmonic resonance, the CDB process directly complements Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) efforts to improve operational availability and reduce the maintenance burden. CDB not only accurately predicts component failure but also provides a solution to improve component useful life.

The initial near-term benefit of having a CDB program will be an immediate reduction in component vibration in each aircraft. This reduction in vibration will immediately increase aircraft readiness rates and safety of flight. Other benefits include reduced O&S costs and reduced collateral damage to aircraft structures and other components.

When long-term benefits are measured, we find that CDB is a highly effective solution. It has been proven to provide significant increase in readiness, dramatically reduce dynamic components and support costs as well as provide feet-wide visibility of maintenance status due to early identification of maintenance requirements that in some cases are urgent.

Additionally, our client’s return on investment (ROI) data is showing significant savings that confirms the need for CDB in rotary wing aviation. Click here and request more information on CDB return on investment benefits

CDB is a proven technology that requires no additional research or development and it is easy to implement to current maintenance process.